
It Took Me Long Enough

Hi All,

Okay, I finally setup a blog. I feel somewhat like a sheep following the crowd with this blog thing. But I see how cool it can be. Thanks for WordPress and PowWeb for making this so easy to do. You guys are great!

Today is my Papaw’s birthday. He’s my mother’s father, my grandfather. He’s my only grandfather. I love him. It seems fitting then that I should dedicate this weblog to him. And so I do.

Papaw, this is for you. I want to carry on some of your qualities. Your intolerance of BS is inspiring. I don’t quite have the balls boldness to speak out like you do. We already have a lot in common, but there are some things we just don’t know about each other. Let this blog be an antidote to our collective personal ponderings. Let this blog be a place where openness is the norm. And perhaps everyone will know what we are really like. And now it starts…

I’m taken, not stirred- A family man convinced that life is not all that complicated. It really is rather simple….

Until the next post!,