
Theme Change… Change is Good

Happy 2023! Today is the first day of February.

This afternoon, I was consolidating several password lists into a main password list. I was testing old accounts and deleting ones no longer active.

When I arrived at my blog site, I did the usual updates and took a moment to look at the themes. I notice my theme didn’t port well to mobile devices. Ah, so “Theme shopping” began.

What you see now is the new theme. I hope you like it. I’m sure Papaw would have, lol.

Oh yeah… I’m still Taken, Not Stirred! My faith is stronger than ever!


2021 Almost Done

Let’s say COVID has caused me to be slow with updating my site… 😉

Much has happened over the past couple of years since I posted last in 2019; some of the bigger things…

  • Sold my Dad’s house in Virginia
    • This felt like a closing chapter of my life. This where I lived from October 1986 till May 1999, but with my parents gone, selling this home removed a major reason for me to have to go to VA.
  • Bought a used pool
    • 33×18 oval, and all the stuff that goes with it (electric service, chemicals, toys, deck, water bugs)
  • Helped my niece pass the 6th grade
    • COVID procrastination threatened failure, so a month of tough love yielded success
  • Politics… no comment
  • Switched employers
    • This felt like another chapter… as I was thinking this is my work home for the next 20/25 years


On December 1st of this year, exactly 15 years to the day of my true repentance and faith, I submitted my first album of original music to the US Copyright Office.

Lord knows what will happen. But I pray my little light will shine forth BRIGHTLY for my Lord!


Dusting Off the Blog

Goodness, it has been a while!! I was compelled by the 10,000+ spam comments, which I accrued by neglecting to monitor my own blog, sigh 🙁

I do care, really. I’ll be sure to check in more regularly.


Wickedness on Public Display

The rioting and looting in Oakland, California was pre-planned. The authorities also knew this, as their preparations (and the preparations of local businesses) occurred prior to a verdict being issued regarding this:

A Los Angeles jury deliberated for about six hours over two days before reaching their decision about the shooting on a train platform in Oakland, indicating they deemed it a tragic accident rather than the intentional act of a rogue cop.

The defendant in the racially charged trial, Johannes Mehserle, 28, testified that he mistakenly drew his gun instead of his electric Taser and shot Oscar Grant, 22, while trying to subdue him during a confrontation on New Year’s Day 2009.” (from

Such a thing is an opportunity to live out rebellion and wickedness in public, in Oakland. But the striking thing to me is in addition to all this, there was the ever-flashing cameras and video. Journalists and reporters had cameras, bystanders had them, but even the rioters and looters had them!

Dude, here I am kicking in a Foot Locker window right before I grab me a $100 pair of shoes!” To have the forethought to pack a camera in addition to spray paint and gasoline spray bottles, indicates something more sinister than mere frustration venting is at hand. Let’s do some evil tonight!

Psalm 92:7
…that though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever;





The Power of the Pen

Since the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America, there have been many other signings that have had great impact to the country…

One “category” of signings that come up time and again is the kind that expand government. Some examples:

Woodrow Wilson’s Federal Reserve…

FDR’s “New Deal”…

There was also LBJ’s “Great Society”…

And so it goes at the present time. There is a massive push to reform the health care industry in America. With the aging Baby-Boomers, something (it is expected) must happen to provide security…

However, the latest polls show that only 16% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing!

In other words, the vast majority of Americans oppose what’s going on in Washington.

As our Declaration of Independence spells out “by the consent of the governed”, and the Constitution spells out our “representative” form of government.. How is it such changes are being pursued in the first place? God tells us how things work…

Numbers 30:14b
… he confirms them (vows and/or agreements), because he made no response…

Here in our day and age, we see public disapproval of Congress, but these very same voters are apethetic come Election Day.

Citizen, we reap what we sow.


Intimacy With God

It occurs more frequently now and it usually brings tears to my eyes. Oh the Lovingkindness of my Lord is something so sweet, so right that I cannot but want to remain in His tender embrace the rest of my days.  I wonder who else can understand.

My tears come as I contemplate all the goodness God has shown me. My tears come again as I contemplate the disregard I demonstrated toward Him for most of my life. Tears mixed with joy and sorrow. And more tears still when such assurance is given to me by the Spririt within me;  I know God and He knows me! Such realizations are hardly more than I can fathom at times.

Ah ha!  There was someone who understood… I’ve been reading John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress lately. The main character, Christian, had lost his Sealed Roll (The Assurance of his Life), and upon finding it again…

“Therefore he laid it up in his bosom, gave thanks to God for directing his eye to the place where it lay, and with Joy and Tears betook himself again to his Journey.”

Why the Joy and Tears? Because of the lovingkindness of God. I know now that God has always longed to be found by me… to be intimate with me. But I was not yet hungry and thirsty enough.

Now, I am aware of His kindness to me through everyday circumstance and through my memory of times past… The Joy comes when one knows they are right with God. And the Tears come when times of rejecting Him are recalled… during all that time God was longing to be found by me.

1st John 3:1a
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!

A wretched sinner was I
To now be saved, I cry
The Care of God I see
Brings Tears of Joy to me

Endless thanks to God!


A Letter to Neil Peart, Drummer for Rush

Professor Deerslayer on the Razor’s Edge

I’d like to introduce myself to Mr. Peart. I’m hopeful that spam filters and censors allow safe passage… 

Nice to meet you Mr. Peart. My name is Jim and I have followed you and your compadres public pronouncements and music since 1984. As a budding teenage drummer at the time, my sister gave me the “Grace under Pressure” album saying, “Listen to the drummer, he’s good”. And as I am sure you’ve heard a myraid of times, you became my drumming hero. Year after year from that point on, I grew in the knowledge of all things Rush.   

When the “Presto” album debuted and I “rushed” to get it, I loved it at first. But the more I listened, I was more aware of your intellectual and philosophical leanings. You proclaimed, “Show me, don’t tell me”. As such, and over time, I became less interested in what you had to say and focused more on what you had to play. I say this with the utmost respect. Certainly you have your beliefs and I have mine. Then with the unfortunate passing of your former family, I began to listen to your lyircs again with a sense of compassion.

In my humble and limited estimation, you have quite a dichotomy of life with fortune and fame on one hand and despair and depression on the other. With your book “Ghost Rider” and the subsequent “Vapor Trails”, and even now with “Snakes and Arrows”, you give evidence of being a man hounded by Devil Dogs. These dogs are serious:

First there’s Cervantes (AKA: Circumstances), and Fido (AKA: Fate), also Nero (AKA: Nihilism), and lastly Dingo (AKA: Death). This dog Otto is the one that scares you the most, for he’s the one that refuses to quit. Otto has nipped at your heel lately…

When? With a recent update on the news section of your website you write concerning that poor deer:

“But like typical humans (or my kind of typical humans), we defused those heavy feelings with humor — humor so black and horrible we had to laugh. Because that’s what you have to do.”

You “have to” do this? Yes, because this is your manner of coping… Must supress that persistant and nagging conscience by any means that seem worthwhile at the time. But as you well know, there’s no lasting escape from your mind and thoughts. You may be successful at flooding your mind with other things (cycling/ motorcycling/ reading/ programming your GPS unit) temporarily or for a season. However, like a bi-annual cancer tumor CT scan, Otto rudely presents himself when we ought to be having fun.

Let’s look at your latest poetry:

FAR CRY- “One day I feel on top of the world, And the next it’s falling in on me”
ARMOR AND SWORD- “We hold beliefs as a consolation, A way to take us out of ourselves”
WORKIN’ THEM ANGELS- “All this time, I’ve been working them angels overtime”
THE LARGER BOWL- “Some of us live in a cloud of fear”
SPINDRIFT- “The spray that’s torn away is an image of the way I feel”
THE WAY THE WIND BLOWS- “It’s a plague that resists all science”
FAITHLESS- “But I still cling to hope, And I believe in love”
BRAVEST FACE- “But there’s a darker point of view, That’s sadly just as true”
GOOD NEWS FIRST- “Time, if nothing else, will do its worst”
WE HOLD ON- “There’s got to be some other way, To get me through the days”

“Okay, so what are you getting at, Jim?”

I’d like to know when it started. What happened? Why do you resist?

Suffering in the world reminds you of it. Beautiful sunrises remind you of it. Church marqees remind you of it. The futility of it all reminds you of it. Stranger fans like me remind you of it.

Mr. Peart, as you know deep down, there is something beyond ourselves. It is real. It is not imagined. And no one knows how to adequately explain it to you. Your schoolastic knowledge leaves you wanting. Your Scientific American articles leaves you wanting. Televangelists leave you wanting. And so you’re left with no other alternative than to suffer with not knowing… and to run away from Otto first with bicycle, and now with motor-cycle (because it’s faster).

And you must be a bit crazy from all this…. subjecting yourself to the higher risk of injury or death with your speeding along, (how many tens of thousnads of miles?) tempting Fido to bite you. But Otto will get you. You understand this. For death catches everyone eventually. And only until then will you truly have your answer, right? 

Not so…

Mr. Peart, I do not know if this email will ever get to you. And if it does, I do not know if you would respond. But it is my hope that you would be brave and respond sometime.

Were you to enter into a friendly (Pen Pal-like) conversation with me, I could help you understand.

So you first want me to lay out my cards on the table? Okay, I will.

I am a someone who understands the truth…. and that truth is God’s word. I can explain why there is suffering and death in the universe. I can explain why there is no such thing as luck. I know what a man must do to find peace… the peace that surpasses all understanding. I have found this peace. And Neil, although this peace comes at a steep price, (you’ve heard this before…) the truth will set you free.

So… my honest offer is just a simple dialogue with you about the truth of life. I know you are weary of strangers. But you know of the kindness of strangers too. I mean you no harm.

Hope to hear from you eventually,


Hints for Her

Goodness Gracious! It has been over a month since my last post. I apologize. It is sad when someone else has to remind you to keep up. And when you finally try to login, you’ve forgotten the password.

A few things of interest have taken place over the past month.

Ate dinner with the DeMonja’s.
Joined and contributed to couple of other forums.
Discovered some really bad tasting rum.
Learned 151 proof is sharper than 101 proof.
Learned about our water service leak (cha-ching)!
Celebrated FBS’s (First Born Son’s) 1st birthday.
Will celebrate FAOW”s (First and Only Wife”s) birthday today!

And so I think it is fitting to write my latest post to the woman who chooses to love me…

Happy Birthday Melanie!

You and I know I got you (and gave you) a gift a few months ago… one of those Christmas/ birthday combo gifts. (I mean, 12/25 to 3/24 is only a 1/4 of a year, right?) You agreed to this, sort of, because this gift wasn’t your usual gift… it was more special. Now that your birthday is today, I want you to feel special again. So give me that gift I gave you a while back and I’ll repackage it and let you open it again. Could you act surprised for me?

Ha ha, very funny Jim.

No… I couldn’t do that. It was all a ploy… giving you that “combo” gift. When I want you to have something, I want you to be excited about it. I’ve dropped little hints, making you think one thing, but it is something else. Recall I said:

You need it
You would really like to have it
You would be so happy to use it
“It” is cool
“It” is hot

I am thinking of telling to you to read this post before you get the last clue, ha ha. Isn’t this fun?

Ahhhh…. soldiers coming in now at work! And I was about to get eloquent for you! I love you Mel! You make my dreams come true every day. Let me make one of yours come true today as well….

See you soon.


Judge, Jury… Joke

It has finally snowed here in the Mid-Atlantic. It was amazing watching several hundred ducks flying over my house yesterday as I shoveled snow from my driveway. They no doubt seek non-frozen water. And flying farther East across the Atlantic ocean to the Middle East you might not have noticed what I believe our future holds.

One of the world’s many dictators is on trial in Iraq. Saddam Hussein is understandably not playing along with the concepts of the rule of law. How hard it must be for a one-time king to now be a subject, to submit to ideals of equal justice. During his trial Saddam has repeatedly refused to respect the court. To quote the tyrant,

“This is not a court, this is not a court, this is a game”.

How can anyone really argue with someone who is utterly incapable of understanding and accepting how a system of government founded upon the rule of law works? Even in our own country people make a mockery of common law and common sense.

Consider this, a thief suing the person who defended their private property with a gun, or class action lawsuits against cigarette makers. From the outset, the thief was wrong to enter someone’s house without permission and the smoker is responsible for their own actions….. no one forced them to rob or smoke! They deny responsibility.

But all this really speaks to a depravity within. It is prevalent. It ultimately has to be this way due to human nature. Humanism and moral-relativism are best friends. It says we can do no wrong. And it finds its most glorious moment when we become gods in our own mind, as Saddam so eloquently displays and says to the Judge of his trial,

“Are you trying to overcome your own smallness?”

I implied Saddam’s shenanigans were a preview of what’s to come here in the US. I say this because the system of government the Founders of our county established (a Representative Republic form of government) was not designed to handle the widespread apathy to Judeo-Christian values upon which our laws are derived. We know that the representatives are elected by the people…but this people is to be a moral people who have their heads right. I quote a hero of mine, Founder and second President John Adams,

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

How interesting it is to see a clash of beliefs. How fascinating it is to witness man vs. law. We are given these case studies everyday in the news. We lament corrupt politicians and we laugh at Saddam. May we learn from both!

Vote for Pedro,

Saddam trial link:


The Challenge of Children

I was reminded again today that raising children is an awesome responsibility for parents such as my wife and I. With that word “awesome” I mean “far-encompassing”, “eternal ramifications”, and “don’t-think-too-much-about-it-or-you’ll-freak-out”. 

How we raise our children and what we instill in them will determine in large part what type of people they will become. Our influence as parents will be with them forever. I can start to see why the Good Lord commanded us to “Honor your Father and your Mother.” It is us that have been given the office of teacher, tudor, encourager, as well as judge, jury, and enforcer. 

Naturally we all want our children to grow up to be responsible citizens. We want them to be well-adjusted and well-socialized, able to get along with others. We also want them to respect authority and display good manners. Just plug in any of the widely-held notions of what makes a person well-adjusted and functional. 

Add to this the idea that our children will learn to relate to their Heavenly Father as they have related to their natural Father. (Is this another reason why the Good Lord commands us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”?) I think this is true! And so we come to realize that raising kids is an awesome responsibility. 

My daughter is 3 years old and even at this age (earlier actually) she is testing authority. She tests the boundaries my wife and I have set up. And when decision time arrives, sometimes she chooses to throw a fit rather than obey. My little princess asks “why” all the time. If only I could speak using her limited vocabulary and her limited understanding… perhaps everything would make sense to her. But sooner or later, the tears flow. My daughter cries because she is not getting her way. And I cry because God Almighty Himself has given me this awesome responsibility and I feel like am goofing it up from time to time.  

Poor 1st child… “Your Mommy and Daddy are going to figure things out ON you, ha ha”. My wife and I can find humor in many things. 

Do you have kids? Are they all grown up? How are they now? How do they relate to God? Are they getting along and being productive members of society? Are they unable or unwilling to humble themselves? Just wait until they have kids!  

Lord, have mercy on us all. 

Hug your kids now,